これらのかわいいぬいぐるみは、Kenana Knitters の素晴らしいチームによってケニアのナクルで手編みされています。地元のオーガニック天然ウールと綿の繊維、アゾフリー染料とその地域で栽培された植物からの天然植物染料の両方を使用して作られたおもちゃは、それぞれ真に特別なものです。あなたの人生の大切な人(背が高くても小さくても!)へのホリデーギフトとして最適です。これらの小さな生き物がどこに行っても喜びを広めるのに役立つことを願っています。
Something not quite right? Returns or exchanges are on us, no questions asked, within 30 days for all orders within the US.*
Plus, we're always available to help! Send us an email with any questions, comments, or thoughts that float by and we'll respond within 24 hours!
*All gift card and mask products are final sale and may not be returned.
Kenana Knitters began as a way to help the local farming community in Nakuru, Kenya make use of (and income from) wool that would otherwise be discarded or burned.
By first bringing the wool to market in Nairobi in the form of yarn, and eventually developing the idea of toys (the first of which was the zebra :), Kenana has created an ecosystem that is truly sustainable.
Spinning is done by the local community in Nakuru, typically on handmade spinning wheels made out of old bicycle wheels. Dyes are made from local plants and vegetables, for example, the stegasaurus was made with plumbago leaves, the bunnies, bears, giraffes and lions with plectranthus leaves, and the orange on the giraffe was achieved with dahlia flowers. Each of these animals is so special, and we hope you'll find someone special to share them with!